
2018年11月27日—However,don'tletthatdescriptionfoolyou--thisisastunninglygorgeousgame,withbrightcolors,coolweathereffects,andcleancar ...,2018年11月28日—Asyoucansee,thesetracksarequitenarrowandcompactwithotherracers.Instead,you'llhavetomanagehowyouapproachtheseturnsnot ...,Greatracinggamefortheswitchatabudgetpriceof$30,thattake'salotofinspirationfromthepastandanexcellentsenseofspeed.Myonlyoneco...

Horizon Chase Turbo (Switch) Review

2018年11月27日 — However, don't let that description fool you-- this is a stunningly gorgeous game, with bright colors, cool weather effects, and clean car ...

Horizon Chase TURBO (Switch) Review

2018年11月28日 — As you can see, these tracks are quite narrow and compact with other racers. Instead, you'll have to manage how you approach these turns not ...

Customer reviews: Horizon Chase Turbo

Great racing game for the switch at a budget price of $30, that take's a lot of inspiration from the past and an excellent sense of speed. My only one complaint ...

Horizon Chase Turbo

Fast paced and works great at switch handheld and docked mode. A perfect game to play at switch. A lot of stuff, big and challenge world tour mode with a few ...

Horizon Chase Turbo Review (Switch eShop)

2018年11月27日 — And wow! This is a truly fabulous game. It looks ace, it runs beautifully in both docked and TV mode and can't fail to make you smile. Brilliant ...

Horizon Chase 2 Review (Switch eShop)

2023年10月2日 — The game is very fun and reminds me of early Need for Speed (1 and 2) titles and other 3D racers from the 90s, and with a fantastic soundtrack ...

Horizon Chase Turbo Review

2019年10月20日 — Horizon Chase Turbo does a fantastic job of recreating both the look and feel of the classic arcade racing genre. The aesthetic perfectly meshes ...